ENT Doctor in Brooklyn, NY
Boris Bentsianov, MD provides both medical and surgical management of disorders of the ears, nose and throat. We perform a full range of ENT procedures on both children and adults including:
- The latest techniques in Balloon Sinuplasty™ surgery
- Videostroboscopy
- Laryngeal imaging
- In office audiological and vestibular assessment
An ever-growing buzz has developed regarding Balloon Sinuplasty™ technology, the impact it has had on the way ENT physicians treat patients, and the positive outcomes it has had on patient’s lives. Ultimately, the technology may allow for significant symptom relief for patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis.

Comprehensive ENT Treatment
Our practice is committed to delivering comprehensive, patient-centered evaluation and treatment for all ENT problems. Tots, teens, and adults alike will be examined with the utmost attention to detail and treated with compassion and concern.